Anyway, I pay a visit to my blog this morning and i regret myself coz didnt spent a short time for it. Clicking on nuffnang acc, and realized wow baru bebelas ringgit je padanlah muka sebab ada blog buat macam takda blog. Hahaha
Since that today was a good day in Kuching and Happy Ash Wednesday Christians. I would like to share the thing I dont want to stop sharing with all of you. It was a kind of shocking yet merry news for me. Last 16 of Feb, hari Isnin ialah hari yang calon STPM 14/15 tunggu dalam debaran. Sebab haritu result untuk Semester 1 release. Jadi, obviously untuk aku memang hari yang kalau boleh aku nak tunda ke minggu depan atau bila-bila. Sebab I tahu apa yang I buat masa exam tu tak cukup bagus. Especially untuk Pengajian Am dan Sejarah. Maksudnya, a big chance for not doing well. Jadi, sebelum pukul 10 masa rehat, I pergilah toilet. Tak terfikir pun nak check result sebab taknak takutkan hati sendiri. Bila balik toilet, once I masuk kelas there you go, I heard noisy voice, screaming, cheering and shouting "yeayyy ada A!!!!"
Then, baru sedar exact pukul 10 result dah keluar. Cepat-cepat ambik phone sms. Lama jugak dalam 10 min sms tu masuk. Saja nak bagi debaran. And bila dah vibrate. Now let the game conquer..
Ya Tuhan, masa tu cuma berharap kalau result tu betul 100%. Sebab I tak percayaaa! I think this is what we called as MIRACLE. Now that I believed God poured me with blessings. Thankyouu God, mak pak, teachers and friends. It was good enough but the pointer does not come so well!
Whatever it is, this shows that I need to put lots of efforts in my next semester. Sekarang maseh kecewa sebab tak dapat A untuk Ekonomi. *sighhhh*
(sengaja nak belanja selfie, kan lama dah tak post hehehe)