Thursday, 14 February 2013

My Valentine's Day

like what i said yesterday. valentine is a boring day. even with or without your love one. i think sitting in front of tv, laptop, homeworks or even shopping and outing with family is better than hugging, kissing your love one. mostly, i saw peoples i mean a couple upload their "romantic" action during valentine's day. tak salah celebrate kan but how can you upload your photo when kissing? i mean that is silly to the max. 

bagi pendapat cha, valentine seharusnya romentik yang smooth. bagi bunga dekat pasangan or just send him/her a text. it will make their day. mcm saya, yang alone ni cuma menghadap laptop menulis blog dan menikmatiu minuman bliss yang menyehatkan lagi menslimkan *slim ke der* 

so, for those yang tengah pening fikir nak beli apa atau buat apa untuk si dia, i rekemen those yang tak pernah orang buat dekat saya. hihi
a)bunga - even sekuntum boleh buat pasangan senyum. bagi yang alergik tu jangan lah mengedik nak bagi. nanti hari bahagia kau masuk sepetal. nak?
b)teddy bear/teddy keychain - pilih yang comel, jangan pilih angry bird sudah
c)buat cover song - i think this is the sweetest way. tak kisah lagu tak sedap or what. yang penting abda berusaha
d) simple text message - nowadays, semua dah ada phone kan? just text him/her. smartphone pun ada. so why dont you download a valentine application?  

btw, my great valentine day is like this. 

seriously i enjoyed what im doing. hihi can i just imagine GD holds my hand bring me along Han River? and im holding a bouquet of white roses or tulips? i think that's romantic :)

Happy Valentine's Day you you you. Have a nice day !


  1. playlist song letak dalam cd pun ok..hee sexy kaki.. :p

    1. haha . i think itu romantik jugak. hihi sexy lemak actually :D

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Awak yang comel. Komen elok-elok tau